
Successfully yoga

Apr 1st, 2012 | Personal Experiences | Comment

Hello, my name is Danica and I would like to share this experience with you. Ten days ago I didn’t even know what Vision First was. Honestly, I didn’t even really understand what a refugee was, or that there are refugees living in Hong Kong. My sister Belinda is a volunteer at Vision First and that’s how I was introduced to this kind-hearted organization and this heart-breaking social issue. Last week, I just followed Belinda to the Center. Then I began to learn. I met some of Vision First’s members working together to keep the Center and Shelter in order. I met one man, Simon, who told me his story and educated me as to just how terrible some people’s lives can be. I had never imagined that the experiences of others could be so rough. I am Taiwanese, I live a safe, protected life. Simon helped me see how lucky I am. After meeting these kind, hard-working, honest people, I hope to help them in any way I can, even just by attending fundraising events to take photos. This way I am also helping in my small way to inform the public. Another way to help is to become friends with refugees. You may ask, who is Simon?

Simon is a computer engineer; he knows at least four languages. He is smart, patient, humorous and very good-natured. I have met with Simon many times in the past few days. Even when he is sick, he is still able to help fix my computer. I can’t believe that he is a refugee. I know he has suffered torture and is still in pain. The world is an unfair place for Simon and just because he was born into a situation he could not control. I am lucky to have been born in Taiwan, a peaceful place with opportunity and love.

Last Sunday I joined a fundraising event at Pure Yoga. Pure Yoga is friends with Vision First. The Pure instructors and members raised $27,110 just for 1 hour of fun yoga. This money will go directly to helping the lives of unlucky people trying to survive in Hong Kong. Money is important for Vision First, but, for me as I learn about refugees in person, I do believe that making friends is important, too. So, as an amateur photographer and refugee friend, I encourage you all to support Vision First. I encourage everyone in Hong Kong to contribute to Vision First. Their staff volunteers really serve the vulnerable people directly with no wasted money. Donate clothing, food, Octopus cards, anything. Volunteer your time to coordinate a program for refugee members, or hold a fundraising event with your friends – Thank you!

Fundraising can be anything you love - like yoga
Fundraising can be anything you love - like yoga