At A Glance


Vision First was established in 2009 as an independent NGO to improve the livelihood of refugees in Hong Kong. Today we stand at the intersection of refugee rights, theory and practice.

Responding to refugee members who advise on strategic development, Vision First evolved over the years to meaningfully engage the community in shaping a deeper understanding and respect of refugee rights.

Vision First deploys a “Triple A Strategy” – Advocacy, Activism, Advice.

Advocacy is informed by an empirical understanding of the asylum sphere achieved through strong relationships with the refugee community.

Activism is realized through the logistical support of refugees who require knowledge, skills and resources to counter abuses they are powerless to resist one on one.

Advice takes the form of mediation between refugees and government departments to resolve personal issues, while empowering individuals to speak for themselves and remove NGO filtering.


Advocate for the full realization of legal and human rights for all refugees

Safeguard refugee rights and oppose individual and systemic abuse without fear or favour

Empower refugees to resist social injustice and thereby become effective agents of change

Strengthen refugees with knowledge, skills and support to address the human rights concerns they face daily

Advise refugees on proven methods to obtain adequate support from government departments in order to break patterns of immiseration and dependency

Promote a deeper understanding of refugee rights and government obligations towards individuals who seek international protection in Hong Kong

Provide society with fact-based information to promote a fair understanding of refugee issues

Counter propaganda and misinformation with empirical research


Vision First is a proponent of the view that every asylum claim (be it torture, cruelty or persecution) must be approached on the premise that it is genuine unless and until it is proven that it cannot be substantiated by the claimant.

This means that a claimant must be afforded every opportunity to substantiate his/her claim and have recourse to proper legal remedies through the courts in the event of a rejection by the Administration.

No adverse inferences must be drawn against an asylum seeker until such remedies have been finally exhausted.

In the interim, this principle maintains that asylum seekers should not be denied their constitutional rights.

Every individual has an equal right to self-determination and participation in all areas of their lives.


Respects cultural knowledge, individual identity and people’s culture, faith and values

Encourages and promotes refugees to fully participate in decisions that affect their lives

Plans, designs, implements, monitors and evaluates all programs according to egalitarian practices and with the participation of all parties concerned

Fully integrates sensitivity into human resource development and promotes non-discriminatory work practices and relationships


  • Seeks to sustain the personal development of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong, based on justice, equality, transparency, accountability and respect

  • Accepts funds and donations only from sources whose aims are consistent with our mission, objectives and capacity and which do not undermine our independence and identity

  • Welcomes honest and transparent relationships with funding agencies and donors

  • Publishes reports and correspondence of public interest