Kaze Arts – Concepts in 3D

Post Date: May 26th, 2011 | Categories: Advocacy | COMMENT

Kaze fled Cameroon in 2005 and has made Hong Kong his home. He’s a charming person and a powerful artist who expresses his concepts with a spectacular 3D style that escapes words and must be seen to be appreciated. When I first met him he explain he doesn’t just paint, but employs diverse materials to realize his ‘dreams’: leather, glass, metal, wood and elaborate frames that combined together speak from the depths of his soul. In so many words it’s hard to understand, but when you see his art with your own eyes, that’s when you realize Kaze has a potential that deserves a wider circles than his friends and fans here.

After lunch today we returned to his exhibition to pick a piece to adorn our Homebase. Not only has Kaze struggled as a refugee for too long, but through hardship, his art gives witness to our members’ will to survive, to their daily fight to make every day matter and to their hope that soon they will break these bonds of alienation to enjoy the freedom that shines on our great city. KAZE ARTS will show until Sunday 29 May 2011. Please go see for yourself how special his dreams are at the Culture Club Gallery

CIA World Factbook – Cameroon: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cm.html

Kaze's exhibition
Kaze's exhibition at the Culture Club