Rooftop Garden idea

Post Date: May 3rd, 2012 | Categories: VF updates, programs, events | COMMENT

Dear Ms. Sturman and Ms. Flanders,

I am a student at Renaissance College in HK and was given your contact information by my teacher, Kathryn Bignold. I am very interested in (and in admiration of) the work you do at Vision First. I am particularly interested in the food services you offer and have a project proposal for you. I would like to start an ‘urban garden’ with Vision First from which the vegetables/fruits are used in the food services you provide. I’d like to lead a group of students who start a garden at Vision First and instruct the AS/Rs to maintain the garden. I haven’t visited your facilities, but an unoccupied roof would be ideal for a garden. If you think this project is possible or are interested in it, I would love to meet with you to discuss any potential plans for the project. Thank you for your time and I hope everything is going well at Vision First!
